Tuesday, January 4, 2011


On February 5th, 2011 (one month!), I will be running a 5k to help raise money for my trip to Romania! 

5k = 3mi.  If you know me, it's funny that I'm even considering running a race. Haha. But all the money will go to ROMANIA, so of course I'll do it! :)

"Rachel, how can I help you with your 5k?" you may be asking. It's easy! 
You can sponsor me per kilometer or per mile. So you can give me $5 per mile. That equals $15 for the whole race! Or if you'd rather not do the math, you can just give me some money! Any and ALL amounts are appreciated! If you want to sponsor me for $1 a mile, I'll be so grateful!!! 

Feel free to send me a message on facebook, email me, call me, whatever if you're interested in sponsoring me! 



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look afterorphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. - James 1:27

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