Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ramblings on Healing, Romania, and How Awesome My God Is
I don't know about you, but I believe in a God who heals. Heals our bodies, heals our hearts, heals our minds, but most especially heals our souls. Lately I've heard of a lot of sickness and disease. And my heart is burdened with grief for those people, those families. But then I remember how in Luke 1:37, it says that with God nothing is impossible. And I believe that. My God is a Healer. He reminds us of this in Exodus 15:26 when he says "I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER."
So believe with me now that He can heal us. From whatever is afflicting us.
Sometimes it's comforting to just rest in knowing that God is who He says He is. Always. Forever.
My God is who He says He is.
And He likes to continuously prove this to me.
A few months ago I made the decision that I was going on a trip. A mission trip to be exact. To Romania. To play with babies all day long. I signed up knowing that my heart will be broken at the end of this trip. I was excited to do what God had called me to do.
And then I needed to come up with 100 addresses to send support letters to. (Thanks to all of you who have donated as a result of these!! And if you didn't get a letter and want one, let me know!)
100 letters! Can you think of 100 people you want to send a letter to, much less asking them for money??
But once again, my God, my Provider, came through. In the months of November and December I raised over $1000!
At the beginning of December, we had a Chicken Dinner Fundraiser (Again – thanks to those of you who supported this in various ways!). Some awesome people from my church donated everything. So all sales were going towards the trips!! This also meant I was in charge of this event. And every time I would begin to get stressed out, my God of Comfort would remind me that this was for His Glory, and that I just needed to calm the heck down (yeah, I think God says things like heck…don't you?). The night of the chicken dinners was a complete whirlwind for me. But in the end, I had over $400 for my mission trip! Overall, we raised over $800! And we even had some chicken dinners leftover to donate to a local ministry that did a food bank. He is who He says He is.
Now we are getting ready to run a 5K in February. Now, if you know me, the idea of me running a 5K is pretty outrageous. I'm not much of a runner (although I did complete Day 1 of my "4 Weeks to a 5K" training!). And needless to say, I was less than thrilled at the idea of this fundraiser. But I decided to give it a shot. I signed up for the 5K, and was skeptical I was going to raise the "required" $150 for this event. And in a matter of a day, I've had people commit $165 to sponsor me in this race, with several more saying they would. I sat tonight having my quiet time in absolute awe of my God. How could I ever doubt Him? By my human nature, I do. But He ALWAYS comes through! It's amazing how that works. It was as if He said, "Oh, you have doubts? Well watch this."
So maybe this was yet another rambly blog from me. But it's my blog J I can do what I want.
If you really read this whole thing, thanks. It means a lot. And I hope it meant something to you as well.
And if you want to sponsor me for the race, just support my trip in general, or know more about my trip, feel free to ask!!
"Let's believe that if we all stand together we're a force that can shake the whole world." - A Day to Remember