Tuesday, February 14, 2012

hope, hearts, and haunting eyes

On this Valentine's day, I'm reminded that pieces of my heart lay in cribs halfway across the world.

There are 3 babies in particular that I do not think will ever leave my mind. I don't remember their names, but oh do I remember their faces.

The first was a little guy with a head full of hair. I don't know what his disability was, but I knew he was different before they even told me he was 'delayed'. But he was oh so sweet, with the biggest smile. He loved to be kissed and loved.

The second was a blonde baby with piercing blue eyes. He looked at me from across the room as I held another baby, laying with his bottom in the air as many babies do. He just looked. Never cried. Never laughed. But when I picked him up...oh my heart...he just snuggled right into me, so enjoying the contact, the love.

The last is the one I remember the most, the one that is almost haunting. I held him as I was also holding 2 other babies (I'm a very skilled baby-holder.). He just looked at me. Huge brown eyes. Begging me, pleading with me not to put him back in his crib, to please take him away, take him to someone who loved him. I see those eyes often, begging me not to go.

In that moment, I knew I had to return. This wasn't a one-time trip. A piece of my heart went back into that crip. And still remains with those haunting brown eyes, begging for love, for rescue. I can't rescue him. But I myself have been rescued and am loved without condition. And this is why I must go back. To carry love and hope of rescue for those brown eyes. So he will know that he is loved and worthy of rescue.

Please take just a few minutes today to pray for these sweet babies, and the over 147 million orphans in our world today. That's a really big number. 147 souls who may not feel love on this day of love. Pray for hearts to be opened. For people to come forth and claim these sweet children as their own, rescuing them as we were rescued by Christ. Pray for the governments to learn to value these children, encouraging people to adopt them. And pray that these sweet babies feel loved today.