Monday, April 4, 2011

Love will find a way.

At least once a week I find myself on the Reece's Rainbow website. I will spend hours looking at all the sweet faces on there, praying that each of them finds a home SOON. 

Over the past five years, RR has found homes for over 500 orphans! This is wonderful news. However, hundreds more still need a home. 

Some of them never found a home. 
Never knew the love of a family. 
The warmth of a hug. 
The feeling of being loved and wanted and worth it.
Everyone deserves to know that they are worth it. 

Many people say, "Well why don't you just adopt a child with Down Syndrome (or other special needs) from the US?"

Well in our wonderful, technologically advanced society, a woman can have her baby tested for DS while still in utero. And when the test comes back positive, 90% abort. 

90 percent. 

What is it about finding out your child might be "different" that makes a woman want to give up that pregnancy?

There are so many myths about DS that it is impossible to list them all, but people with DS live wonderful lives these days. 

They have jobs. 

They fall in love and get married. This couple is Monica and David. If you haven't seen their documentary, you should most definitely check it out!

They just happen to have an extra chromosome. 

A very cute chromosome. 

And last but not least, this is my friend Dan Drinker. You should go check out his website. 

So back to Reece's Rainbow. 
Everyone deserves a home where they feel loved. 
I'm believing in a God who saves. 
I'm believing that every one of those children will find a family. Before it's too late. 

And you can help. 

Yes. YOU. 

I'm not so interested in hearing how you're a college student or you have no money or what not. 
We can all help. 
Maybe you have a few extra dollars to donate. 
Maybe you're being called to adopt one of these sweet faces. 
Or maybe you're called to pray for them. 
Any of these is wonderful. 
Let's not let any more of these children die without a family.