Nicholas is almost 9 years old, and has already been transferred to an institution.
An institution. Like this:
Or this:
Unless someone adopts him soon, that is where he will remain. With no one to love him and tell him how much he is loved. How much our God loves him. Pray he finds his forever family soon. Know someone looking to adopt? Direct them here.
And then there's Alexandria. it turns out, AlexandRIA is actually AlexandER.
Absolutely precious either way. (It's not uncommon for girls to be dressed in boy clothes and vice versa in an orphanage like so.) Alexander is almost 3. He desperately needs to be adopted as well. He could so greatly benefit from things like physical therapy that could be provided for him here, but not where he is now. Pray he finds his forever family soon. Know someone looking to adopt? Direct them here.
And here's my newest angel! Introducing Danielle:
Danielle is almost 8. She has ALREADY BEEN TRANSFERRED to an institution. Her time is running out. After a certain age, they will no longer allow her to be adopted. So she will live in a place like this:
Living in a single bed, rarely taken out, for the remainder of her life. Pray she finds her forever family soon. Know someone looking to adopt? Direct them here.
So pray and believe with me that they will find their homes this year. Find them SOON. Their time is running out.